After checking my state bar association's ethics rules on advertising, I posted my first Craigslist ad about a month ago. Less than two weeks later, after not so much as a nibble, I tried it again. And then again two days after that. Maybe I'm better at fishing than advertising on Craigslist. See Recharging and Reflecting. In all fairness though, my sporadic posts were likely swallowed up by the numerous ads that appear like clockwork in that section.
I've recently heard from the local-lawyer-rumor-mill that some small firms have broken advertising on Craigslist down to a science. In a nutshell, they have an assistant post their Craigslist ad as that assistant's very first task in the morning. This can be tedious and time-consuming considering that Craigslist doesn't allow you to post the same or strikingly similar ads within a thirty day period from the same user account. This means you have to either create another account to repost the same ad, or tinker with it just enough so that the website system will accept the ad. In terms of time spent versus results, I'm not convinced yet that this would be the most effective use of my time - since I'm the one who'd be doing all of the morning posting. Even so, it's hard to argue with free advertising.
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