I'm finding that contract work can be rewarding both professionally and financially. First off, it is a wonderful opportunity to network with other attorneys that you might not otherwise meet. Second, depending on the nature of the work, it is a chance to take a closer glimpse at other areas of law. Third, from a financial standpoint, it can help supplement your revenue and improve cash flow during these lean times. All of this can be accomplished regardless of whether you offer to cover hearings, draft documents, or simply take on a legal research project.
While contract work might not lead to the kind of "rainmaking" that will buy you a vacation to Hawaii for a week, it could lead to a steady stream of work that pays the rent or a much needed CLE course. There are a number of books and blogs on the subject that cover everything from marketing to malpractice insurance issues. Likewise, those considering adding contract work to their practice should consult their state bar's code of professional responsibility as well.
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